From the Flubber Gallery collection. All photos copyright Abby Weissman, 2009
The 101 DALMATIANS Playsets store display shown above features all six playset boxes from 1961. The Playset display consists of six highly-detailed window scene boxes representing the 101 DALMATIANS story. Each playset has 6-10 figures with a unique background illustrating key scenes from the film. The back of each box contains a breif synopsis of the"scene." In addition, like the twelve 101 Dalmatians TV--Scenes, these boxes came in two sizes, a standard size playset box and a larger one with more figures. Shown above are the larger versions.
The 101 DALMATIANS series of Disneykins was Introduced in 1961 to coincide with the original release of the Walt Disney film of the same name. This uncommon series of Disneykins was sold primarily in the United Kingdom, Europe and West Germany.
Many of the main figures were only sold in playsets. Due to these playset's great background artwork and attention to detail they are highly valued by collectors.
The Playset titles are as follows: (clockwise from top left)
Website created by FlubberGraphics, NYC, USA. All photographs by Abby Weissman unless noted. All original content copyright The Flubber Gallery. Contact for information.
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